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Uusimmat artikkelit
Uusimmat kommentit
- Raimo Klasi: Hossa ja OM-D
- räpsijä: Suuren taivaan alla
- Maija: Tana – Sandfjord, valokuvia
- Upeata: Tana – Sandfjord, valokuvia
- Antti: Tana – Sandfjord, valokuvia
Finnish Friend
- Guided hiking tours in Finland
- Hikes to Finland's national parks from Helsinki
- Nuuksio National Park hiking tour
- Nuuksio National Park winter snowshoe tour
- Winter camping in Finland: a guided tour from Helsinki
- Helsinki Archipelago hiking tour
- Nuuksio National Park camping tour
- Repovesi National Park camping tour
- Helsinki archipelago camping tour
- Beginners hiking course
terve mikko!
mitä kuluu? you have taken some very nice pictures!
what has happenend to you in the last weeks? have you had nice weather and good hiking and photographing days? hopefully you enjoyed your break-day with a lot of cake and other good and unhealthy stuff. :)
we are back in austria now and after a few sunny days it’s raining now. still we are enjoying the rest of the summer and hope winter hasn´t started up in the north yet.
greetings from austria
daniel and marie
Nice to hear from you two! I wasn’t quite sure what to expect after Kautokeino, but so far it has been nice, at least in memories. I’ve had some rain, especially on this part from Lakselv to Tana, but then again I had like 8 days of sunshine in a row on the leg from Kautokeino to Lakselv. I think it averages to good, well, I’m still going, so it hasn’t been too bad. The landscape has been pretty open here in Finnmark, even when without trails I’ve managed to find good ways through the land, sometimes really nice to just go on your on way, and on others you’d really wish for some clues as to where to go. On the day after tomorrow I’ll arrive in Tana, then it’s only one more leg, about two weeks in total left. Not sure about break day in there, maybe I’ll just have fresh fruity lunch. Now when it’s only the last leg, I’m more eager to get going. So far I haven’t had any colder nights than before on this trip, and the nights aren’t totally dark yet, but tonight I have clear sky so it will be a bit colder.
Hei Mikko, luurasin sivuja ja näin että oot pitkällä reissulla. Tsemppiä ja onnea loppumatkallekin.
Kiva kuulla pitkästä aikaa. Eihän mulla enää ole kuin yksi etappi jäljellä, onnea voisi olla vielä säiden suhteen, mutta tiedän ettei siihen toivomiset vaikuta.